Tabled Camera

14 thoughts on “Tabled Camera

    1. I am not sure… I asked Google translation about this and this is the answer that gave. Basically, it’s a photo taken with the camera dropped somewhere. When you don’t hold it in your hand. Like in the middle of the street or, on a bench.

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      1. Oh, got it. In a couple of your photos…it seemed something like that…camera on the ground level. Thanks. Apparently, I have taken a few tabled camera shots myself!


  1. Excellente idée!
    Je le fais rarement, mais à en juger par tes clichés, je devrais faire ça plus souvent, le rendu est extra, et on voit les chose complètement différemment!
    Good job!


  2. Mario, I love all of these. The angle- on a table, on the ground- really adds to the image, Like seeing everything for the first time.

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    1. You are right Emilio, it’s like seeing it for the first time. A new way to look at it. And that blur gives the impression to be seen as a mouse do. Really from another world. Thank you! 🙂

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