
Some old pictures that needed to be refreshed with Adobe Suite and its beautiful Candlelight effect. Those pictures have been taken from Anse du Fort, Sainte-Pétronille (Île d’Orléans, Qc) in summer of 2014.

Hope you enjoy…

27 thoughts on “Sainte-Pétronille

  1. Très beau! J’aime la pureté qui se dégage des photos et le traitement qui donne une ambiance “zen” 🙂


    1. Karl-Heinz, first, sorry for the late reply. I missed it. Yes, I switched to Adobe and I can say that I like it a lot. Gimp is also really good but, since it’s a free software, you always have to wait to someone that have time to work on it. Gimp users still waiting on 16 bits support. But for a free software, Gimp is excellent and the development team still one of the best team around the Free software world.

      Thank you!


    1. Elina… One more time that I didn’t see your comment. Now you might think, with good reasons, that I did it on purpose don’t you? 🙂 Thank you very Elina for your visit and your kind comments.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No worries. After the changes they’ve made in WordPress interface I think it is much harder to keep track of comments than before. You are most welcome and thank you for visiting my site also! 🙂


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